Thursday, June 19, 2014

What is Hemp

www.hempthred.comClick over to my website and you will view that I am a Fine retailer of Hemp Products Textiles, Food, Oil Health Care, Education, we are part of the Community come Join able to grow for more People. We are a Total Fine Hemp Retailer with Fast Delivery secure check out with Value. I am a Eagle Scout and I learned how to tie all my knots with hemp rope, and our tents all the rope hemp, the tents had hemp in them. There are 10,000 Products that can be made from this Plant the Government has the Patent on it 6630507 they are holding the country back from starting the economy this one plant would bring on 1 Million Jobs so this is big. This is motion of fun that would be able to be a retailer of NO THC Products this is legal in every state. Stay lifted and positive in your thinking one plant that has been around from the start of time it is going to leak out that sticky fingers are holding us back. My website is What is Hemp I have Products that are made from this Plant and the Government is doing every thing to keep this from consumers.
What is Hemp My thinking is hemp Seeds, hemp Protein powder, hemp protein, hemp hearts, hemp seed, hemp rope.These are Natural Products

What is Hemp?
Hemp is a type of cannabis which is cultivated for use in fashion, food and rope, among other uses. Hemp is a vigorous plant and grows very fast and in different soil types. Hemp has been grown for industrial reasons for more than 12,000 years. The use of hemp for industrial purpose is because of fiber, which is used to produce rope, paper and textile. Over the years, the largest hemp producing country has been China, although countries like Canada and Australia are coming up. Hemp is really a wonderful plant with the capability to help ‘green up’ many industries.
However, the name ‘Hemp’ broaches a hostile attitude from people. This is because many people see hemp as a social vice. Well, this is because Hemp and Marijuana share the same species – Cannabis sativa. Even though hemp regularly receives a bad rap as a result of its connection with marijuana, in truth, it is completely safe and has uncountable uses.
Difference between Hemp and Marijuana
Hemp is obtained from the same species as marijuana but that’s about it. They both have different functions and uses – hemp does not affect the mind like marijuana. Hemp is cultivated for its oil, fiber, seed and food while marijuana is cultivated for medicinal, spiritual and leisure purposes.
Hemp is a multipurpose plant that can be used for a lot of products including rope, food, textile, building and clothing materials. It is a sustainable and fast growing plant crop that yields up to two or more times practical fiber as cotton. Be that as it may, it is illegal to cultivate hemp in some countries such as the US as hemp falls within the marijuana prohibition act. This is because of the concern that planters could effortlessly hide marijuana in a cluster of hemp. But Colorado seems to have altered the law and opened the way for the growth of industrial hemp in the US.
Uses of Hemp
Hemp is processed into products like food, fashion, rope, fiber, hemp seed, paper, fuel, pulp, hemp oil, wax and resin.
What is Hemp Seed?
Hemp seeds are the eatable portion of hemp plant. Hemp seeds are small, round and have a light nut-like flavor. They can be taken raw, ground into powder, shelled or roasted and turned into hemp food or squeezed to obtain oil, known as hemp oil. Hemp food products include hemp tofu, cereals, nut butters, waffles and hemp ice cream.

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