Sunday, June 15, 2014

CBD Oil Compassionate Care Act

You have to have training I can Help so you can help Sick people you have to have this class to be able to work in this industry I wish you well but you have health Problems I have Hemp Seed Oil  and with hemp seed Protein Powder adding this with hemp seed food products like hemp seed flour to your diet could regulate sugar in your body. in California 215

The Compassionate Care Act

The Compassionate Use Act was passed in the year of 1996 in the state of California. Although it has many amendments, its basic draft was ratified in the year of 1996. It is a law which allows the use of medical cannabis. Before the year of 1996, it was illegal in California State to use or to distribute or to cultivate cannabis sativa or marijuana for medical purposes. Today also the same is illegal in many states. The Compassionate Use Act was enacted in November. 19996. This act was passed with a total of 51% votes. This act raised a lot of controversies back in the day. Earlier when the issue of legalizing the use, distribution and cultivation of medical cannabis was taken up, it was vetoed by the Governor of the state. Therefore, in order to pass the act, a state wide voter initiative was passed. It resulted in the successful formation of the Compassionate Use Act or the Compassionate Care Act. This act enables the license holders to cultivate, distribute and consume medical cannabis.
The medicinal properties of cannabis are no secret to the world. Cannabis plant and its derivatives have been used over the centuries by the people of various countries for various medicinal uses. Modern medical research has proved that medical cannabis has very many medical uses. From to treating wound to curing cancer, cannabis can be used in a number of ways. Cannabis is proved to be a good stimulant. It is also seen that medical cannabis can serve as a good anti-spasmodic. Cannabis is also found to be an analgesic without any side effects.  Cannabis also finds its use in chemotherapy. Cannabis is also a muscle relaxant. It is also useful in the treatment of nausea, vomiting and fatigue. In treating the symptoms of AIDS also cannabis has proven use. Cannabis is also proved to effective for providing relief from chronic pain. Apart from all these, cannabis is also proved to be useful in treating sclerosis.
Cannabis is a natural herb which has been used by people all over the world for centuries for the treatment of a large number of ailments. Declaring the use of marijuana for medical purposes like glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, cancer, sclerosis etc is a foolish thing to do. It is a magical herb which provided us with the cure for a number of ailments. So, instead of being frowned upon, this herd should be given its due respect.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone out there Am Mrs Asha Durrow from Miami Florida US. this is a true life story about how my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer on July 18, 2017. and got cured by Rick via email that we got the oil from

    If not for the mis-understanding and skeptism my mom would not have died of her lung cancer today. We never knew that cannabis oil can cure cancer, if not my lovely and adorable mom wouldn't have die of her lung cancer, well all the same i still gat to give God all the glory and a big thanks to Dr Rick who provided me with CANNABIS OIL for my husband liver cancer cure, after i lost my mum to lung cancer 2 years later my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer he under-go many chemo's and radiation treatment in seeking solution to cure the prostate cancer we spent all we gat but all to no avail until I mean't a friend of mine who directed me to Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil via Email:

    I quickly emailed him and in less than hour, i got a feed back from him and he directed me on how to purchase the medication cannabis oil and he told me the delivery logistics which i quickly responded ,after two days of procuring the oil, the oil was deliver to me as he promise me. immediately my husband commenced with treatment with the cannabis oil as directed by the prescription manual.

    To God be the glory after using the oil for couple of months (Three months) my husband is free from cancer and today me and my husband are living happily but it is a sad story that my mum didn't have this opportunity to survive it, once again you have to be aware that there is cure for cancer diseases today contact Rick via his email, save a life today!!!!

