Monday, June 30, 2014

Plant Hemp in America Grow Jobs 
Hemp you can build a house with it, make beautiful clothes with it, and improve your health too. It's a crazy-useful plant that's good for the environment. George Washington farmed it, but we don't grow it in the U.S. for really weird reasons. Find out the eye-crossing excuse for why it's banned to farmers. 
we are the stalk people

Plant Hemp in America Grow Jobs
Hemp has been getting a lot of bad rap for a very long time now and this still continues to be the case among some people but the government of United States of America having realized how beneficial hemp products can be has legalized farmers to plant hemp in America. The Congress made the right decision to pass the farm bill which has been signed by President Barack Obama, making growing of hemp legal under the federal law.
Hemp has been used by many nations such as China for a long time now for such useful purposes as paper, rope, food and drink products and more. Farmers can now plant hemp in America, which can help in restoring the country’s agricultural economy, allowing small-scale farmers to tap into the hemp market.
After about 75 years halt, hemp can now be grown in America. For those who don’t know, hemp is actually very beneficial despite what you might think. First of all, hemp is quite different from marijuana although both of them are from the same parent plant – cannabis. Hemp doesn’t make you high because it has close to no THC content, which is the element responsible for the ‘high’ in marijuana. So, marijuana is the bad guy here.
So when next you think of hemp, think of practical hemp products such as hemp food, beverages, textile, rope, fiber, hemp seed, paper, fuel, pulp, hemp oil, wax and resin. Growing hemp in America is one of the best things that has happened to agricultural economy and even contribute to overall economy of America. Other countries that plant hemp make great profit from it and it’s about time American started growing hemp.
This will also create new jobs and produce new entrepreneurs in the country. America was among the leading hemp producers back in 1937 when it was still legal to plant hemp. The cultivation of hemp should be grown to what it used to be back then; also the crop is even more valuable today than it was then.
Farmers are encouraged to embrace this opportunity to plant hemp as the industry is now ready to grow into a major reality in America, ultimately creating jobs to a lot of people in the country. Similarly, everyone should actually see hemp for what it truly is – a sustainable fast-growing multipurpose plant that can be used for a lot of products including rope, food, textile, building and clothing materials.

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