Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Truth about Hemp

Farmers could Plant Hemp and Put America back to work but the Law Makers do not want people to have a Job and be Happy


Hemp, a hearty plant grown mainly for seeds and fiber that owns an incredible value, hence often known as a cash crop which is quickly grown in any soil conditions.  A plant that is fibrous is attached to core by a glue which is a gelatinous carbohydrate is used mainly for reinforcements, composites and even in paper and pulp.  Oil that is contained in the seed accounts for nearly 25-35% necessary to keep you healthy as it is fatty acids that are essential.
Farming of hemp
Though an annual plant, hemp raise from seed well suited to grow in any types of soil, but best-suited on land which produce corn.  The soil must be rich in nitrogen at the same time it must be well-drained and non-acidic requiring no pesticides at all as it won’t attract pests.  Preparation of the land is emphasized as unevenness can result in improper plowing hence deep plowing is required and has to be harrowed until it becomes smooth resulting in a level bed.  You must even take initiative to avoid clumping of soil, recalcitrant patches of the weeds, dead furrows and irregular fertilization. A most important factor that can affect the quality of fiber is proper groundwork for the seed bed.  Hemp also has the capability of suppressing the weeds when it is established.
Though grown quickly, hemp can attain a height of 10 to 12 feet in a period of less than 90 days.  If the purpose of cultivation is to get fiber, it is left out as such in the fields by a process called retting, a process to allow heat and moisture to activate the microorganisms to eliminate the glues that occur in the stalk clamping the fibers together which has to be done on either sides.  It has to be stored on farms once the retting process is over and later on these stalks has to be baled and distributed to the processing unit on yearly basis.  Different varieties of approved hemp seeds are available for cultivation which may vary depending on the climatic condition of the place.
Another complicated issue relating to hemp is its fertilization which is mainly dependent on its purpose.  If it is grown mainly for fiber, then another feature that it must owe is its yield which is resulted when more nitrogen is poured which equals more yields.  Apart from fertilizers, legumes can fix nitrogen along with the use of manure.  Once planted, it does not require any further husbandry before the harvest resulting in a reduced consumption of the energy and soil compaction as a result of usage of various farming equipment’s and sprays.  Hemp, a different species of plant harvested for its seed, fibers, seed oil and even seed meal.

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I do not use, grow, or possess pot (or any other illegal substance). However, recently I learned a Truth. America, (and the world) is in trouble. We will run out of oil. The toxic byproducts of oil and other products are a long term disaster. Our economy is stagnant. The Diesel engine was designed to run on hemp oil. Henry Ford's first cars ran on hemp oil. We must rediscover the history and incredible usefulness of hemp - and change the Federal law. Today's technology, combined with renewable hemp, would make our Country strong.
History, the Internet, and countless reference books prove that the founding fathers of our country grew and used hemp. Hemp was very good for everyone on earth - until about 1920 or so, when powerful men discovered how to import oil - and hemp, the world's most unique and useful crop, was renamed Marijuana, lies were invented and spread by media, and it was banned.
Natures best source of fiber, medicine, fuel, food, hope, peace, and much more - is currently forbidden. If it was legal, it would be used for low-cost food, fiber, paper, lumber, medicines, oil for cooking, and fuel for cars. Keeping it illegal does not stop hemp, it just limits the wonderful plant to be primarily grown illegally as "marijuana". It's time to change laws so this plant regains it's Royal status in Nature, and let it help mankind again.
Solar, Wind, and other energy is not going to get us out of trouble soon enough. Using food crops for fuel is insanity. Changing the legal status and the re-introduction of hemp's many uses, would provide vast improvements to the economy, pollution, mental health, crime, world hunger, violence, revenue creation, and saving tax money.

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