Thursday, June 19, 2014

Medical Marijuana Caregiver Class

Care Giver Class for Growing Medical Marijuana and you thought you were going to help sick People, you are helping these People are last resort trying to stop the pain and live with there head held high. I am sorry they are sick We the People need to help, for any of us at any time could understand from Doctors there is little hope to no hope to we are do not have hope. Doctors are Human and they do not want to give up, research could find some thing new we may not have that time to take this new drug. Be compliant take this class so you can me certified I can Help We all can get sick and be in the same boat with little to no help Care Givers come to the home and they do not need to be put into a spot in this area of knowing what is going on take this class and you will have training so you will not be in a hard spot. You will be able to show you have training in this area for total care. It is Awesome that We the People can Go to the  World Wide Web and Guess What Marijuana has a Patent #6630507 and who owns this United States Government. Compassionate Care Act read up on this Rules Yes you have to have training we know you care this shows you do. We are a ISO Compliant website so we have Standards we can help get this started so the sick will not be in pain. Will you Help Sick People lets Roll the Dice to help People in need

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