Monday, September 8, 2014


People today have an interest and craving for organic products such as hemp textiles and natural cotton made apparel, and this has become a seemingly overnight phenomena. . What once started as a countercultural view, which advocated awareness and the preservation of the earth, soon become a worldwide bandwagon movement that made popular a whole range of products.

Products such as cosmetics, hemp textiles, cotton apparel and even footwear, now tout the name ‘organic’. But what is it all about, and it is worth all the hype? Generally speaking, organic products such as cosmetics and apparel are simply items which are sourced or made from 100% organic material, and have been stereotypically related to vegan and or cruelty free movements. Not anymore! Now the popularity of organic products has reached all types of people everywhere and has become mainstream thinking.

There is a large volume of products these days that cater towards producing a line of organic apparel, particularly organic clothes, for men. Among these are organic hoodies made from all-natural hemp or cotton fibres. Why buy organic hoodies you ask, especially when there are so many out there that are obviously less expensive and more mainstream? Well, purchasing organic apparel makes a power statement that you actually care about the environment and everything around. Here are some of the reasons why you should opt for organic clothes for men:

Why Buy Organic Hoodies – A Quick Look Durability

Organic fibres – These are, believe it or not, more durable than synthetic fibres. Hemp fiber in particular has been used since ancient times to make various articles of clothing. It is in fact so durable that even clothes made 50 years ago are still perfectly serviceable to this day. This durability has convinced many people that it is worth a few extra dollars on superior pieces of organic clothing such as organic hoodies made from 100% natural materials such as hemp fibers and all natural cotton.

Comfort – Organic fibers provide superior comfort and breathability compared to synthetic materials, which tend to allow perspiration to collect and thus leaves you with a clammy, clingy feeling. Comfort and breathability, as well as lightness, are one of many reasons on why buy organic hoodies, although those are not all the virtues of organic textiles. Not only is organic hemp breathable and very comfortable, it is also an excellent insulator against cold, making it obvious why buy organic hoodies, because an organic hoodie is an excellent all-purpose attire.

Hypoallergenic nature – Organic hoodies, and by extension, organic clothes in general, are hypoallergenic and are perfect for individuals who have very sensitive skin or who are prone to allergies. Unlike synthetic fibers which are often dyed with chemical based dyes, organic fibers either come as-is, or are otherwise dyed using organic pigments. This makes them perfectly safe to wear, even for those who have sensitive of skin.

These are just some of the reason why buy organic hoodies and organic clothing. For more information on organic clothes and other organic related products, please visit:
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