Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hemp Apparel is Superior to Cotton Clothes

Hemp Apparel is Superior to Cotton Clothes

Most people don’t realize that hemp is one of the oldest sources of fiber and fabric known to mankind. Before cotton and flax became commonplace, one of the most readily found sources of fabric in the past was hemp. Hemp apparel has a long history of usage that ranges from ancient China, Philippines and Indonesia in Asia, and in most European civilizations throughout recorded human history. In the New World, which is present day America, hemp was used to make hemp textiles, hemp rope and hemp paper extensively. In fact, the US Constitution was written on hemp paper. Most Americans are unaware of that.
Hemp is making a huge comeback from over 60 years of neglect and government regulation, especially in regards to apparel manufacturing. Why is that? Hemp apparel is superior to cotton clothes, for a number of reasons. Here’s a quick look at what makes hemp far more superior to cotton cloth.
Understanding How Hemp Apparel is Superior to Cotton Clothes

For starters, hemp is far more biologically and ecologically friendlier than cotton, Cotton, unlike hemp, is sourced from plants that require constant watering, specialized irrigation techniques, and literally tons of fertilizer simply to flourish. This makes cotton very expensive, and ultimately very bad for the land. Hemp, on the other hand, can be grown in a wide variety of climates and soil types, without the need for much tending or fertilizing. And, it has more yield than cotton.

Hemp yarn is also cheaper than cotton. Why is that? Because it is more available, hemp requires very little specialized maintenance in order to grow, and even less amount of processing to render it into hemp fiber for the creation of textiles. For this reason hemp is cheaper than cotton, which makes hemp apparel such clothes far more affordable. It can truly be made into a near limitless range of textiles. In the most obvious sense, this is perhaps how hemp apparel is superior to cotton clothes.

Hemp Fiber is Hardy and Soft

Hemp is a tough fiber. It is hardy, durable, does not easily tear, and yet it is soft and breathable. Because of these qualities, hemp can be employed in lieu of cotton, linen, and flax. It is superior with regards to durability, making it excellent for articles of clothing like pants and jeans, but it can also be made soft enough and delicate enough to be employed in the creation of high quality shirts, blouses, and even lace!
Hemp textiles are long-lasting, which is yet another reason why hemp apparel is superior to cotton clothes. Unlike cotton which tears easily and eventually wears down or becomes thin after much use, hemp fabric tends to have a tendency to become softer, but not any less strong, after years of dedicated use. This not only makes hemp clothing articles ideal for hand-me-downs that are sure to be used by younger siblings, but it also ensures that each hemp-made garment you have is something you can be sure will last for many years.

With all of these reasons on how hemp apparel is superior to cotton ones, will you still be stuck favoring less superior textiles? For more information about hemp apparel, hemp textiles, hemp yarn, hemp rope, hemp seeds and all things hemp related, please visit HempThred today:

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