Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fresh Roasted Hemp Seeds

Since ancient times, hemp seeds have been growing by various cultures as an excellent source of nutrition. Hemp plants, much like coconut trees, are employed for nearly all of its parts. While some hemp seeds are usually stowed away for later cultivation, because hemp produces far more seeds than is necessary to properly multiply, the majority of seeds are often cultivated and employed as foodstuff. The seeds can be consumed fresh or roasted. Fresh hemp seeds typically have a nutty and slightly grassy taste.

Consumed fresh, hemp seeds take on a crunchy nature. However, roasted hemp seeds tend to have a nutty flavor which becomes more pronounced, and the grasses taste fades away. Contrary to popular belief, neither fresh nor roasted hemp seeds are in any way at all hallucinogenic. Hemp strains that are related to marijuana, also known as cannabis, may possess seeds that contain some degree of hallucinogenic compounds, but the consumption of hemp seeds, even on a daily basis, is not enough to get a person “high” or affect them in any negative way.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Fresh Hemp Seeds

What is amazing about hemp seeds however, is its top-notch nutritional density. Not only are fresh or roasted hemp seeds an excellent source of soluble and readily bio-available fiber, it is also a very good source of vegetarian-based proteins, making it an excellent addition to health shakes, power drinks, or simply consumed as a snack when you feel like a snack or you’ve got the munchies. Aside from these indispensable elements, hemp seeds also contain trace amounts of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients which all help to promote the improved health of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, and hepatic systems.

Of all plant matter, it is now commonplace knowledge that hemp seeds are packed with lots of nutrition and possess significant amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. This makes it an excellent and affordable alternative to fish oil, which is also high in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Employing hemp seeds to boost one’s overall nutrition can be as easy as munching on a handful of seeds while on the go, or by incorporating crushed, cracked, or powdered hemp seeds into your health shakes, power smoothies or cereals.

However, fresh hemp seeds and roasted hemp seeds are not the 100% cure-all most industries tout them to be. Why is that? Hemp seeds do not have all the necessary amino acids and vitamins necessary to keep the body healthy, that’s why it is recommended to mix fresh and roasted hemp seeds with other foods such as protein shakes, cereals, coffee, salads and mixed nuts. Roasted hemp seeds are an excellent way to add omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids into your diet, it tastes great and it’s an excellent healthy snack for both kids and adults.

For more information about roasted hemp seeds and other natural hemp products such as hemp seed oil, hemp rope, hemp twine, hemp fiber or hemp apparel, please visit Made in America hemp is coming Hemp launching Pad is here.

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