Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Virginia Marijuana Producers


Temperature for Marijuana
Proper temperature is one highly variable factor. Most books state optimum grow temperature to be 70-80 degrees, but many list extenuating circumstances that allow temperatures to go higher. Assuming genetics is not a factor, plants seem to be able to absorb more light at higher temps, perhaps up to 90 degrees. High light and CO2 levels could make this go as high as 95 degrees for increased growth speed.* An optimum of 95 degrees is new data that assumes very-high light, CO2 enrichment of 1500 ppm and good regular venting to keep humidity down. It is not clear if these temperature will reduce potency in flowers. It may be a good idea to reduce temperatures once flowering has started, to preserve potency, even if it does reduce growth speed. But higher temperatures will make plants grow vegetatively much faster, by exciting the plants metabolism, assuming the required levels of CO2 and light are available, and humidity is not allowed to get too high.
With normal levels of CO2, in a well vented space, 90 degrees would seem to be the absolute max, while 85 may be closer to optimum, even with a great deal of light available. Do not let the room temperature get over 35 C (95 F) as this hurts growth. Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth.
Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50s will cause mild shock and 40s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.
As temperature goes up, so does the ability of the air to hold water, thus reducing humidity, so a higher average temperature should reduce risk of fungus.
Contrary to many reports, high humidity is not good for plants except during germination and rooting. Lower humidity levels help the plant transpire CO2 and reduce risk of molds during flowering.
Studies indicate the potency of buds goes down as the temperature goes up, so it is important to see that the plants do not get too hot during flowering cycles.


Produced mainly in Mexico, Marijuana is the frequently abused and the most commonly existing drug in Virginia.   Threat as a result of this drug is low as the distributors and abusers won’t carry out any serious crimes.  Not only Mexico, Marijuana producers are in Virginia, South western states and even in its neighboring states.    Most of the wholesale distributors and transporters of this drug are some of the groups based in Virginia and the South Western states.   In Mexico, some of the local independent dealers are the main retail distributors in South Western states and Mexico and some of the Caucasian dealers are the retail distributors of this drug in Virginia.

Producers of marijuana in Virginia
A comparison of the outdoor and indoor cultivation revealed more yields when it comes to outdoor cultivation of cannabis in Virginia.  Most of the producers of marijuana cultivate very less quantities indoor for the reason that earlier they are under the pressure of law enforcement in Virginia.  During 1990’s, as a result of the outdoor cultivation, nearly 2,000 to 6,000 plants are yielded which can be easily identified from the air.   Studies revealed that these producers even trim down their plot size to less than 100 plants so that will be hard to detect.  But during 2001, officials noted a steady increase in the cultivation even though these plants are seized from the farms which are believed to be one of the largest seizures of these plants in the country.  Mostly cultivated in remote locations where the officials find it difficult to identify and in most of the situations, these seized plants are brought out with the help of helicopters.

Nonetheless, demand for the drug remains strong, and West Virginia is among the states where marijuana is cultivated in significant quantities, at least in part because of the state’s climate and terrain. Precise production figures are impossible to come by, but West Virginia has been among the top 10 states as regards marijuana plant eradication each year since 1985.
Legally, marijuana is the plant cannabis saliva. The active ingredient is a group of chemicals known collectively as tetrahydrocannabinols (THC). Enforcement of the state and federal laws concerning marijuana cultivation involves multiple and overlapping jurisdictions. Within the state, the state police, county sheriff departments, and city police are involved, as well as the Department of Natural Resources, Civil Air Patrol, and National Guard. At the federal level, the Drug Enforcement Administration is the principal agency.
The economic data on marijuana cultivation represents projections based on documented eradication, arrests, and related factors. Such projections suggest that marijuana is a major cash crop in West Virginia.
The number of marijuana plants destroyed in West Virginia ranged from 40,149 in 1998 to more than 189,000 in 2012, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The West Virginia State Police place a value of $2,000 on every plant, which means that the marijuana destroyed in 2012 had a “street value” of $378 million.
In 2012, West Virginia ranked fourth among all states in the number of plants that were eradicated. The job of eradicating marijuana often falls to the State Police. Troopers use helicopters to spot the plants from the air and all-terrain vehicles to reach them on the ground. In recent years, troopers have encountered man-made “booby traps” set by the growers to scare away unwanted visitors.

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